Vol 7 Issue 1

Adenomyosis: A Review

Luis Alonso Pacheco. Centro Gutenberg. Málaga. Spain INTRODUCTION Adenomyosis is defined as the presence of ectopic endometrial tissue inside the myometrium. This accumulation of endometrial glands and stroma in the myometrium causes hypertrophy of the surrounding myometrium. It was described for the first time by Rockitansky in 1860 when observing the existence of glands and…

Etiopathogenesis of Asherman’s Syndrome

INTRODUCTION Intrauterine adhesions are bands of fibrous tissue that occur inside the endometrial cavity frequently in response to endometrial injury. The severity of this condition can range from thin strings of filmy tissue to complete obliteration of the cavity with subsequent amenorrhea and infertility among other clinical devastating consequences. Clinical challenges include primary prevention of…

Istmocele: overview

The importance of the isthmocele lies, on the one hand, in its correlation to abnormal uterine bleeding that is usually post-menstrual, and on the other hand in its relationship with secondary infertility


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